


Registration is open and will close on July 10, 2022. All payments should be made in connection with the online registration. You will receive instant confirmation of successful registration to your email.


Full academic registration                       200 €

Junior researchers (<32 years)*             100 €

Non-academic participant                       350 €

Accompanying person                            150 €

* Junior researchers (master and PhD students, post-doctoral fellows under the age of 32) should send a letter from their supervisor or a copy of their student card to the conference secretariat.


The registration fee includes:

  • For participants: attendance to all scientific sessions, conference material, coffee breaks, welcome reception and wine tasting on Sunday evening, 2 lunches, buffet on Monday after the poster session, and the dinner on Tuesday evening.
  • For accompanying persons: welcome reception and wine tasting on Sunday evening, 2 lunches, buffet on Monday after the poster session, and the dinner on Tuesday evening.


Attendance certificate: All participants will receive an attendance certificate which will be included with the Symposium documents, supplied upon registration at the reception desk.

Badges: You will receive a personalized badge when collecting your registration documents. During the Symposium this badge must be clearly visible all time, in order to grant you access to the venue, scientific sessions and catering areas.


To start with the registration process, please create first your SciencesConf account (if you already have a login and password on that system, you should skip that step) by pressing the scroll-down button next to the "Login" icon on the top of the page.

Once your account is created, login to the system. Enter the "Register" menu under "My space" and follow the instructions.

After preregistration, you will receive a confirmation e-mail inviting you to finalize your inscription by entering the payment module.


After receiving the payment invitation, click again on "Register" in the main menu, select a payment mode available (check in €, bank transfer, French purchase orders issued by CNRS or university) and follow instructions to be able to discharge expenses to you.

All payments must be made in euros (€); banking fees must be covered by the participant.

Once payment has been received, you will be sent the official receipt within 10 working days by email.
We do not provide proforma invoices. Sorry for inconvenience.


A 50% refund will be issued for cancellations received on or before July 10, 2022.

No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after July 10, 2022, but the registered participant can request to transfer his/her registration to a co-author.


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